Request for Evidence (RFE)? What To Do - SimpleCitizen
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Request for Evidence (RFE)? What To Do

Updated: October 1, 2021

What is a “Request for Evidence?”

You got the dreaded Request for Initial Evidence from USCIS. What does getting a letter of Request for Evidence mean?

The letter means USCIS needs a little more information to process your application. RFEs are serious and must be responded to in order to keep your application on track. But don’t worry, getting an RFE does not mean your case is denied and preparing a response can be fairly simple. Keep reading to learn what to do if you receive an RFE.

What happens if I get a Request for Evidence?

USCIS will send a letter to the address you’ve provided that explains what additional information they need from you in order to move forward with your case. For tips to avoid an RFE click here.

The RFE will have a deadline. You must respond by the deadline. This deadline is usually in the first paragraph and in BOLD. The typical time to respond is about 87 days, but USCIS will sometimes give a specific date or timeframe for you to respond.

Example: An RFE may say something like, “you must submit the information within 87 days”. Treat this timeline seriously and do not delay submitting the necessary information or evidence that they are requesting.

When you are getting ready to send in the requested information indicated in the RFE, make sure to review the letter carefully. You must respond to all information requested at one time. USCIS will not allow you to send more evidence later. You only get one response. Make sure that you attach a cover letter explaining what you are sending in, why you are sending it in and any other information that might be helpful.

The RFE will include instructions for where to send the response. In some cases you’ll need to include the original RFE letter with your response, while in other cases USCIS only requests a copy of the RFE letter. Whether you are required to send the original or the copy, attach it to the very top of your response. Make sure that it is the first page and the first thing that the USCIS officer sees when they open your application.

The RFE should include an address for you to send the response packet to. Make sure that you send the RFE response to the address listed. It will be different than the original USCIS address that you sent your application to.

Let us know

Immigration issues can be tricky. If you have any questions about your specific Request for Evidence or your immigration case, there are experienced professionals that can help.

If you are a customer of SimpleCitizen and you’ve received an RFE please reach out to us via live chat, email or phone. RFE responses are included with the Professional package we offer. Do not hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
Updated on October 18, 2021

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