Form I-131 Supporting Document Checklist | SimpleCitizen
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Form I-131 Supporting Document Checklist

You need to submit the Form I-131 when you are applying for: a Reentry Permit, a Refugee Travel Document, or an Advance Parole Document. In addition to the form, you also need to submit various supporting documents. This form I-131 checklist will help figure out which documents you need to include.

There are some basic items you will need to include when submitting the Form I-131 regardless of your situation. There are also some additional items you may need to submit based on the reason for your application (Reentry Permit, Refugee Travel Document, or Advance Parole Document).

Let’s get started with the basic form I-131 checklist you need to include:

Basic Form I-131 Checklist:

  • A copy of your filled out Form I-131
  • Identity documentation: a copy of an official document which shows your photo, name, and date of birth. For example, a current Employment Authorization Document, a valid driver’s license, the passport identity page, Form I-551, or a Permanent Resident Card.
  • Photographs
  • Biometrics Services (Please note: there is a biometrics services fee for those applicants between 14-79 seeking Reentry Permits and/or Refugee Travel Documents..)
  • Filing Fee

Reentry Permit Checklist:

You need to attach a copy (front and back) of your Form I-551.

If you do not have your I-551 you have 2 options:

  • Include a copy of the biographic pages of your passport and the visa page that shows your initial admission as a lawful resident; OR
  • A copy of your Form I-797

Your filing fee will be $575.

Refugee Travel Document Checklist:

Attach a copy of the document showing your refugee (or asylee) status. This document should have been issued to you by the USCIS. It should include the expiration date of your refugee status.

If you are younger than 16 your filing fee will be $105. If you are 16 or older it will be $135.

Note: The application fee may not be required. This is true if you payed the fee and filed Form I-485 on or after 30 July 2007 and your I-485 is still pending. You must also now hold US refugee or asylee status.

Advance Parole Document Checklist:

The following requirements only apply for individuals who are currently in the US. You will need to attach:

  • A copy of a document showing your current status in the US, issued to you by USCIS
  • An explanation (or evidence) for the circumstances that prove why you qualify for an Advance Parole Document; OR
    • If you are seeking an adjustment of status – a copy of the receipt from USCIS. This receipt proves you filed the adjustment application; OR
    • If you are traveling to Canada to apply for an immigrant visa – a copy of the appointment letter from the US consular; OR
    • If your case has been deferred – under DACA by USCIS, include a copy of your I-797. If your case has been deferred by ICE, include a copy of your approval order, notice, or letter issued by ICE.
  • You must also complete Part 4 for the I-131, and include evidence to support your claim. There are 3 accepted purposes:
    • Educational: include a letter from the school describing the purpose of travel and why your travel is necessary. OR include a document showing your in enrollment in a program that requires travel.
    • Employment: include a letter from your employer or conference host describing the need for travel.
    • Humanitarian: include a letter from your physician explaining your medical condition, the treatment you are seeking, and why your travel is medically necessary. OR include documentation of a family member’s illness or death.
  • Your filing fee will be $575.

If you are seeking an Advance Parole Document and you are outside the US you have a couple of options. You make file under a Family Reunification Parole policy or not.

  • Under one of the Family Reunification Parole policies you will need to attach:
    • For HFRP: the completed document described by the HFRP Program in the application instructions of their invitation letter
    • For CFRP: the completed document described by the CFRP Program in the application instructions of their invitation letter
    • For the FWVP Program:
      • A copy of your I-797 or a printout from Case Status Online
      • Your completed Form I-134
      • Evidence that the WWII service from the Filipino veteran was previously recognized by the US Army. This service is to be defined by section 405 of the Immigration Act of 1990, as it is amended.
      • Evidence of your marriage and a copy of your spouse’s death certificate. If you are the surviving spouse of the Filipino WWII veteran
    • If you are not filing under one of the Family Reunification Parole polices listed above you will need to include:
      • For humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons:
        • A detailed description of why such a situation requires an Advance Parole Document
        • An explanation of the length time for which you are requesting the parole
        • Copies of evidence that show the basis of your request.
      • Your Form I-134
      • A statement explaining why you cannot obtain a US visa. This statement should include when and where you have tried to obtain a visa. Or an explanation for why you did not seek a visa when entering the US.
      • If it applies to you, include a statement explaining why a waiver of inadmissibility cannot be obtained. Include when and where you a have attempted to obtain a waiver, and a copy of any DHS decisions about your waiver request. Or an explanation for why you have not sought a waiver.
      • A copy of any decision on an immigrant or non-immigrant petition or application and evidence regarding a pending petition or application.
      • And, unless the evidence submitted showing your photo, name, and date of birth was your passport, you will need to include:
        • A copy of the biographical page of your beneficiary’s passport. If their passport is not available, provide an explanation for why and include a different government-issued identity document that shows the beneficiary’s citizenship.
        • Copies of your and your Form I-134 sponsor’s official identity documents and evidence of your sponsor’s citizenship or US immigration status. This could be a copy of a US passport, lawful permanent resident card, or birth certificate.
      • Your filing fee is $575

Note: If you are filing for an Advance Parole Document, the application fee may not be required. This is true if, you payed the fee and filed Form I-485 on or after 30 July 2007 and it is still pending. You must also be returning to the US after temporary foreign travel. In this case, you may file your I-131 with your I-485. Or you can submit your I-131 later. You will then need to submit a copy of your I-797 to show you paid your I-485 fee.

Ways to fill out and submit Form I-131:

Fill Out On a Computer

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Updated on January 15, 2020

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